About Us
PW New Media has been developing for both online and offline projects since 2000. Primarily using Microsoft technologies - originally Classic ASP and Visual Basic, whilst moving onto the .Net framework once it was released, we have produced a range of products and services for our customers - most notably our hosting services (sold under the LiquidSix Hosting brand) starting in 2004. To find out more about the products and services that we offer, please browse around our site and take a look!
If you are interested in reading about some of our past (and future) releases, please let us use this page to take you on a tour of our history for the past 25 years!
A Brief History
- First use of the PW New Media name
- Launch of the PW New Media Network and forums
- A beta testing round of MegaCorp (our web based space game)
- Our network forums reach 10,000 posts
- Betas for the classic ASP version of the Modular Site Management System take place. MSMS would later be abandoned due to the switch from classic ASP to .Net development, but the name and idea would return later as part of the Nexus Family
- Launch of LiquidSix Hosting offering shared and reseller hosting on US based servers
- Release of our Helm Extensions product
- Introduction of SQL Server for LiquidSix Hosting customers
- Release of our Helm Urchin Interface product
- Release of our Helm SmarterStats Password Changer product
- Purchase of hosting company StickWithMe.co.uk expands LiquidSix Hosting's customer base
- Initial idea planning for Nexus products including Nexus Panel and registration of relevant domains
- LiquidSix Hosting opens UK based servers for shared and reseller hosting as well as new US based servers
- New LiquidSix Control Panel Design
- Main works starts on the core library for our Nexus Family products
- New helpdesk opens to improve support to customers
- Complete replacement of all our UK servers with owned hardware at a new data center in Manchester
- Early version of Nexus starts to power some internal accounting and customer invoicing
- Introduction of .Net Framework 4 hosting
- New LiquidSix service: Dedicated Servers
- New LiquidSix service: Virtual Private Servers
- New LiquidSix service: Low Density Hosting
- LiquidSix Hosting's 7th birthday is celebrated with giveaways of services and physical products
- New PW New Media & LiquidSix Hosting logos
- Introduction of new Atom based dedicated server product
- LiquidSix Hosting launches new dedicated server range
- LiquidSix Hosting launches new virtual private server range
- New script mail service for sending emails from websites via a server dedicated to this task
- Beta testing of LiquidSix Hosting's Windows 2012 R2 based hosting
- New Nexus based domain registration system used internally to manage domains for customers
- LiquidSix Hosting's 10th birthday is celebrated
- Official launch of LiquidSix Hosting's Windows 2012 R2 based hosting
- Official launch of LiquidSix Hosting's new range of hosting plans, redesigned from scratch
- First test Nexus Distribution server is put online
- Nexus Distribution & NDS networks brought online to allow us to start releasing products and services based on Nexus
- Launch of the brand new PW New Media website, our first fully Nexus & MSMS powered website
- Launch of LiquidSix Hosting's updated Low Density hosting
- Launch of new SSL certificate range
- Release of updates to control panel and Windows 2012 R2 hosting for new features
- Updates and upgrades to the LiquidSix Hosting infrastructure
- New servers for our US network
- Preparations for the new account features and LiquidSix control panel
- Upgrades to our backend systems ready for new features
- Account registration and login available for our network of sites
- Major updates to our systems that run the websites and behind the scenes changes ready for new releases
The Future
We have big plans for the future, and a few of those in the short/medium term are listed below. All dates and plans are subject to change until formally announced, as we are always updating our plans in response to customer needs and feedback.
- New customer portal for LiquidSix Hosting customers
- New domain registration management in customer portal for LiquidSix Hosting customers
- Planned first private beta of Nexus Family core and common modules
- New billing area in customer portal for PW New Media and LiquidSix Hosting customers
- New LiquidSix Hosting website